Translation Central and I Can

I can helps children communicate

Translation Central is a proud sponsor of I CAN, a UK charity that supports children with speech, language and communication disabilities.

I CAN is primarily involved in raising awareness on this condition that affect thousands of children each year* in the UK only through various campaigns and fundraising events. Their activities are ultimately aimed at helping children integrate into mainstream society. We all know that language is the foundation of learning and communication. Children who are not able to articulate their thoughts effectively experience isolation and have fewer chances to succeed in life.

Translation Central feels very sympathetic to I CAN' s cause and has decided to make its contribution by offering translations of short sentences free of charge.

In return, clients will be asked to support I CAN with an online donation:

You can donate as much as you like and we appeal to your generosity.

Examples of translations:

Latin: 'Rerum cognoscere causas'
English: “Understanding the origins of events”

English: “until death do us part”
Italian: “finché morte non ci separi”.

Typical language combinations:

English into German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese.
German, French, Italian, Latin, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese into English.

More language combinations subject to availability.

Please check with us on: [email protected]

For more information about I CAN, log on:

* “One in ten children (or 1.2 million) has a communication disability in the UK. That?s almost three in every classroom”.(

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Translation Central � un'azienda certificata ISO 9001:2008


Thank you very much for this and the receipt. It looks good. Very best regards

Eva Ashton, Croydon, United Kingdom

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Traduzione verso:
    Inglese • Spagnolo •  Francese • Italiano • Tedesco • 
Cinese Semplificato
 • Arabo • Giapponese • 
Altre Lingue

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Servizi di traduzione
Agenzia di traduzioni No.5089552
Tel: negli USA : +1 646 760 6194
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Tel: nel Regno Unito : 020 3958 4043
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Contatti: 0845-862-0827 (Regno Unito) o 1 646 760 6194  (Gratis in USA e Canadaa)translation.central

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Translation Central � un'azienda certificata ISO 9001:2008.
Direzione centrale: Fullwell Avenue, Barkingside, Londra, IG6 2HA, Inghilterra.
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