Serviço de Tradução Jurídica

We provide translation of legal documents in over 150 language combinations. Our most popular choices include Ingl�s , Espanhol , Franc�s , Italiano , Alem�o , Chin�s (Simplificado) , �rabe , Japon�s usually translating to and from English.

Our legal translators are fully capable of handling all kinds of legal documents, such as contracts, wills, marriage, birth and death certificates, divorce decrees, home leases, patent applications, court petitions, and more.

We know how important it is to have a legal document properly translated. This is why we only work with translators who have a comprehensive working knowledge and experience in the legal industry, or else have undergone extensive legal translation training.

Once your translated document is complete, it can then be formally legalized for national and international use. Upon completion of the translation, the finished document is signed and notarized by a registered notary public.

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Translation Central possui a certifica��o ISO9001:2008


I appreciate your reactivity and quality for these past jobs, and will definitively contact you for future translations.

Xavier de Bastos, ESL - Ecole Suisse de Langues, Switzerland

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Traduzir para:
    Ingl�s • Espanhol • Franc�s • Italiano • Alem�o • 
Chin�s (Simplificado)
 • ï¿½rabe • Japon�s • 
Outros Idiomas

WorldPay, Paypal

Servi�os de Tradu��o
Empresa de Tradu��o No.5089552
Telefone USA : +1 646 760 6194
Fax USA: +1 866-877-3272
Telefone UK: 020 3958 4043
Fax UK: +44 8704292481
Tel: Australia: +61 3 6120 6369
Call us on 0845-862-0827 (United Kingdom) or 1 646 760 6194  (United States tollfree)translation.central

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e-mail: [email protected]
Translation Central possui a certifica��o ISO9001:2008.
Head Office: Fullwell Avenue, Barkingside, Londres, IG6 2HA, Inglaterra
Am�rica do Norte: 21 O'Conners Lane, Old Tappan, NJ 07675, USA
Austr�lia & Nova Zel�ndia: 2/29 Sussex Road, Caulfield, South Victoria 3162, Australia

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© Empresa de Tradu��o Fundada em 2004
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