Croata para Inglês
“I have received the translation and am very happy with it. Thank you very much for your help. Have a great weekend! ”
Brett Waterson, Warkworth, New Zealand
Checo para Inglês
“Thank you for my translation. I am happy with your service. I will use your service in future. Have a nice day! ”
Lucie Vitvarova , Surrey, United Kingdom
Inglês para Holandês
“Thank you for the good work, it was perfectly accurate. I will definitely get back to you for any translation jobs to be done in future. I wish you & your company all the best for your future endeavors ”
Rahul Solanki, Sahir Projects, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Inglês para Persa
“Thank you very much; I am sure we will use your services again soon :) ”
Dan Gomez, Tel Aviv - Israel
Inglês para Francês
“Thank you for the prompt service. ”
Jean Weiss, CA, United States
Inglês para Francês
“Thank you very much! It looks very good to me. I hope to be continuing business with you, we have a growing number of overseas efforts. ”
Mark Yager, Ecross culture, Colorado - USA
Inglês para Francês
“Thank you very much for the translation. I am very happy with the result. It has been a pleasure to be connected with you ”
Amalia Rusdi, London - UK
Inglês para Francês
“Recebi a tradução. Li e gostei muito. Há frases-chave que o tradutor traduziu muito bem mesmo. Muito obrigado. Com certeza, solicitarei seus serviços de novo. Estou muito satisfeito com este trabalho entregue tão rapidamente! Dennis”
Dennis Murray, Crownsville, Maryland - USA
Inglês para Alemão
“Thank you very much for the translation. I am very happy with the service provided. Thank you again.”
Alex. Chapman
Inglês para Alemão
“Thank you so much for such a quick turn around. Receipt happily confirmed.”
Penny Williams, Formpak Software, Abingdon, Northants - UK
Inglês para Alemão
“Thank you. We will use your services again for sure. ”
Aaron Berk, Harlan J. Berk, Ltd., Chicago, Illinois - USA
Inglês para Espanhol e Francês
“Thank you very much for quick job and explanation. The translation was perfect! ”
Urmas Saask , Vertuboutique, Shenzhen, China
Inglês para Japonês
“Thank you very much! I really appreciate the quick delivery! I look forward to working with Translation Central again in the future. ”
Sean Robbins, Loudonville, Nueva York - USA
Inglês para Japonês
“I am the creator and host of a radio show entailed The J-Pop Exchange which airs on WVCR 88.3 FM in the US. I have been using Translation Central for nearly all my Translation needs (and would use them for all my needs if I could). I keep coming back to them because of the very high quality translations that I receive along with their professional and efficient service. I believe that I owe a significant portion of my success to Translation Central's efforts in breaking down language barriers. Thanks to their translation expertise, many well respected Japanese composers and artists (Michiru Oshima, Yusaku Kiyama, Shinji Miyazaki, Kokia, Kenji Kawai, Kazunori Maruyama, and more) all consented to exclusive interviews with me for my radio program. Thank you so much! I hope the level of quality and service from Translation Central never change! ”
Sean Robbins, Loudonville, Nueva York - USA
Inglês para Punjabi
“Thanks so much for your extraordinary service! ”
Jenika Khalsa, Los Angeles - USA
Inglês para Romeno
“Estou muito impressionado com o serviço e a rapidez da entrega. Na verdade, é bem provável que eu necessite deste tipo de trabalho com regularidade, e por isso estou muito feliz de ter descoberto vocês!”
Lars M Johannesson, MPC International - ODAL, Elgin
Inglês para Sérvio
“Thank you very much for such a quick turn-around. I could not hope to have the translation done in less than 24 hours! I am thoroughly impressed by the excellence of your service, made more extraordinary by making the document available in 2 alphabets. You can count on my patronage and my recommendation of your service to all my colleagues for their translation needs. Thanks again! ”
Katya Yazykova, Pendleton, South Carolina - USA
Inglês para Espanhol
“I received the translated document! Thanks for all your help!! ”
Kevin Steeprow, Datastrip, VA, USA
Inglês para Espanhol
“Thank you. I did receive the translation. I appreciate the quick service!”
Laura Stiverson, Dust Control Technology, Inc , Peoria, Illinois - USA
Inglês para Espanhol
“Thank you again for the prompt service! ”
Kristi McMillan, Landor & Hawa USA, Ltd., Greenwood, Indiana - USA
Inglês para Espanhol
“Thank you very much for this very prompt translation. It is great! I will certainly be using your services in the future. ”
Eva Ashton, Croydon, Surrey - UK
Inglês para Espanhol
“Recebi a tradução.
Muito obrigado por enviá-la um dia antes do prazo”
Techa Pacitto, Give More Media, Richmond, VA, USA
Inglês para Espanhol
“Thank you very much for this and the receipt. It looks good. Very best regards ”
Eva Ashton, Croydon, United Kingdom
Inglês para Italiano e Francês
“Não posso agradecer o suficiente pela sua eficiência e serviço pontual. Com certeza, vou usar o serviço de vocês novamente, porque somos uma agência de webdesign e temos muitos clientes que requerem serviços de tradução.
Genial, muito obrigado.”
Renee Neri, Aquadigital, London -UK
Inglês para Japonês
“Thank you for the translation. Excellent work and impressive turn around time. We will use your services again. ”
Kevin Hadfield, Tokyo, Japan
Francês para Inglês
“I appreciate your reactivity and quality for these past jobs, and will definitively contact you for future translations. ”
Xavier de Bastos, ESL - Ecole Suisse de Langues, Switzerland
Alemão para Inglês
“Thank you for the fast translation. I love it! Have a great weekend ”
Heiko Zahn, Kracht, New York, USA
Latim para Inglês
“Thanks very much, it is perfect! Look forward to sending you more translations in the future. ”
Suhail Doi, Jabriya - Kuwait
Russo para Inglês
“Thank you for the translations. I was very happy to receive them even earlier than I expected! ”
Paivi Tuuri, Espoo, Finland
I received the translated document! Thanks for all your help!!
Kevin Steeprow, Datastrip, VA, USA