Audio & Video Translation
Our experts can translate audio and video material with ease, including: documentaries, reports, conversations and presentations - provided of course that the quality of the audio is adequate.
We cover a wide variety of document types, whether it pertains to the fields of legal, technical, medical or marketing.
Presently, we can easily handle documents to and from English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, Dutch, Chinese Mandarin and Arabic – but more language combinations are always in the pipeline, so please ask if you require a different pairing.
For each translation project, no fewer than two professional translators are actively involved.
Our Procedure
First, your audio/video file will be transcribed by a qualified translator who is a native speaker of the source language. This process guarantees perfect comprehension of the original file..
Next, the transcribed document will be translated by a qualified and experienced translator, who will render the document into his/her mother tongue.
Thank you very much for the translation. I am very happy with the service provided. Thank you again.