Translation Central provides language translations using a wide range of experienced multilingual native translators; meaning the final translation will read perfectly to a native speaker of that language. Our vast database of translators means that we can translate to and from a wide array of languages, including English Translations, Spanish Translations, French Translations, Italian Translations, German Translations, Chinese Simplified Translations, Arabic Translations, Japanese Translations and many more.
For larger translation projects, we use a team of translators for cross referencing. In this case, the lead translator initially produces a translation glossary, which is then used by the other translators to ensure maximum consistency of the end product.

› Document Translation Service
Our qualified translators allows us to handle translations to and
from any languages, and not just the more popular languages like English Translations, Spanish Translations, French Translations,
Italian Translations, German Translations, Chinese Simplified Translations,
Arabic Translations, Japanese Translations
, etc. Request an instant quote and
we'll show you how easy it is to get started!! Click here to find out more
about our translation project management systems.

› Website Translation
After years of working with businesses from around the world, Translation Central has assembled a top notch international network of translators, programmers, journalists, researchers, and advertising agencies; with extensive knowledge of online behavior (such as popular search engines and keywords in different parts of the world, etc.).

› Proofreading Service
This service is available as an ad hoc service, or as an optional extra with any translation project.
Our trusted and experienced proofreaders prepare documents using the
"track changes" function within Microsoft Word. This function allows you
to move easily between changes, and accept any or all modifications
proposed by the proofreader. Corrections, suggestions and comments are
shown in the margins, and are easily integrated into your document.

› Audio & Video Translation
Our experts can translate audio and video material with ease, including: documentaries, reports, conversations and presentations - provided of course that the quality of the audio is adequate.
We cover a wide variety of document types, whether it pertains to the fields of legal, technical, medical or marketing.
Presently, we can easily handle documents to and from English Translations , Spanish Translations , French Translations , Italian Translations , German Translations , Chinese Simplified Translations , Arabic Translations , Japanese Translations – but more language combinations are always in the pipeline, so please ask if you require a different pairing.

› Multilingual Research
Thanks to our international network of qualified linguists and researchers, we are able to use their experience and varied backgrounds to carry out market research in many different languages.
Depending on the scope of your research, we can appoint a team of researchers with the relevant language combinations and knowledge of your project. This research will be tailor-made to meet your needs and goals.

› Interpreting Services
Our highly qualified Interpreters offer several types of interpretation services depending on your needs. We specialize in Business Interpreting Medical, Interpreting Legal Interpreting Whispering and Interpreting/Chuchotage. In the near future, we will also be offering a Telephone Interpreting service.
Thank you very much for this very prompt translation. It is great! I will certainly be using your services in the future.
Eva Ashton, Croydon, Surrey - UK