Proofreading Service

This service is available as an ad hoc service, or as an optional extra with any translation project.

Our trusted and experienced proofreaders prepare documents using the "track changes" function within Microsoft Word. This function allows you to move easily between changes, and accept any or all modifications proposed by the proofreader. Corrections, suggestions and comments are shown in the margins, and are easily integrated into your document.

During the proofreading process, particular attention will be given to typos and grammatical errors, style consistency, formatting, and term accuracy - with constant reference to the original document.

Please note that if the proofreader requires the document to be translated from scratch due to a particularly poorly-rendered text, we reserve the right to apply our translation rates for that project.

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Thank you very much; I am sure we will use your services again soon :)

Dan Gomez, Tel Aviv - Israel

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Call us on 0845-862-0827 (United Kingdom) or 1 646 760 6194  (United States tollfree)translation.central

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Translation Central is an ISO9001:2008 accredited organisation.
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