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I am the creator and host of a radio show entailed The J-Pop Exchange which airs on WVCR 88.3 FM in the US. I have been using Translation Central for nearly all my Translation needs (and would use them for all my needs if I could). I keep coming back to them because of the very high quality translations that I receive along with their professional and efficient service. I believe that I owe a significant portion of my success to Translation Central's efforts in breaking down language barriers. Thanks to their translation expertise, many well respected Japanese composers and artists (Michiru Oshima, Yusaku Kiyama, Shinji Miyazaki, Kokia, Kenji Kawai, Kazunori Maruyama, and more) all consented to exclusive interviews with me for my radio program. Thank you so much! I hope the level of quality and service from Translation Central never change!

Sean Robbins, Loudonville, Nueva York - USA

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Translation Services
Translation Company No.5089552
Tel : US Tollfree: +1 646 760 6194
Fax USA: +1 866-877-3272
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Fax UK: +44 8704292481
Tel: Australia: +61 3 6120 6369
Call us on 0845-862-0827 (United Kingdom) or 1 646 760 6194  (United States tollfree)translation.central

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Translation Central is an ISO9001:2008 accredited organisation.
Head Office: Suite 2, 5 Percy St, London W1T 1DG , England
North America Office: 21 O'Conners Lane, Old Tappan, NJ 07675, USA
Australia & NZ Office: 2/29 Sussex Road, Caulfield, South Victoria 3162, Australia

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